Page 20 - Town of Rocky Hill Programs
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Human, Youth & Senior Services
Mission Statement
The mission of the Rocky Hill Human, Youth & Senior Services Department is to assist residents with social, emotional, and economic needs. Our services help clients achieve self-sufficiency, maintain economic well-being and reestablish control in their lives. We service all segments of the population which include children, adults, elderly, disabled, and the financially disadvantaged.
Human, Youth & Senior Services Staff
Melissa Hicks, LPC, Director 860-258-2724
Nicole DiClemente, Office Manager 860-258-2793
Cristal Philbrick, Human & Senior Services Specialist
Lori Stanczyc, LPC, Youth Services Coordinator
Kelli Ayala, MSW, Youth Services Specialist
Contact Us
Main Office Phone Number
Main Office Fax Number
Main Email
Main Office Address
761 Old Main Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Food Pantry Address
673 Old Main Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Office Hours
Main Office
Monday–Friday: 8:30–4:30pm
Food Pantry
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am–4:00pm
Other Useful Numbers/Websites
211 - Infoline,
988 - the ‘911’ for suicide prevention and mental health crisis services
Like us on Facebook Rocky-Hill-Human-Youth-and-Senior- Services-724043077983345/
Food Pantry
(Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am–4:00 pm)
Human Services maintains a food pantry at 673 Old Main Street for food-insecure residents. Donations from various churches, community groups, businesses, and individuals provide the supply for the pantry. A variety of non-perishable food items are available for qualified residents.
Call 860-258-2799 for more information or to make an appointment to see if your household qualifies.
Food Pantry Donations Accepted: Cash donations, gift cards for perishable foods and/or nonperishable, unexpired food, and sanitary items are accepted. All Food Pantry donations are ONLY accepted at the Food Pantry located at 673 Old Main Street.
There are bins for nonperishable items and a locked drop box for monetary items. If you have a large donation please contact the Coordinator, Lou, at 860-257-3501 or to set that up.
Program Application Assistance
The Human Services Department provides staff to assist residents with finding information and completing applications for local, state, and federal assistance programs. These services may enhance the quality of life and we can aid in navigating programs and support residents in applying for them. Call 860-258-2799 for more information or to make an appointment.
Medical Equipment Loans
We have a small supply of medical equipment that residents can borrow. Supplies include wheelchairs, walkers, canes, tub benches, commodes, etc. Equipment does need to be returned when the client is done using them. There is no charge for the use of equipment.
Holiday Family Program
Human & Youth Services coordinates holiday programs for Rocky Hill families that need help with the upcoming holiday season; we can assist with food, gift cards, and gifts for children 12 and under. If your family is in need this holiday season please call 860-258-2799 for more information.
Holiday Meal Program
Human Services can have a fresh meal delivered for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Eve to anyone that might be alone during the holiday season. There are no qualifications or limitations on the program, we just want every resident to enjoy a nice meal on the holidays. Please reach out to us at 860-258-2799 October 15th or after if you would like to be included in our deliveries.
Energy Assistance
Residents may apply and receive financial assistance through Community Renewal
Team (CRT), assistance is available for the client’s primary source of heat when they meet guidelines. Energy Assistance appointments are generally available from August through May depending on your heating source. Please contact CRT at 860-560-5800 to set up an appointment or go online to
If you have an emergency (no oil/shut-off of utility), are unable to get to CRT, or if you need additional help with the online process please call Cristal at 860-258-2021.
Human Services Programs/Support Offered